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Sharing knowledge and sensitivities, breaking stereotypes.

Por que non hai flores?


A canción de Elisa e Marcela compuxémola, xunto co poema, para un roteiro no que se homenaxeaban a varias mulleres galegas importantes para a historia da Coruña. Cando a tiñamos feita pensamos que era unha homenaxe moi necesaria, porque a súa foi unha vivencia do amor moi dura e chea de valentía. E por iso decidomos tocala en directo e metela no disco, porque pensamos que o seu xesto, o de enfrontarse contra unha sociedade inxusta por defenderse a si mesmas, era unha chama que debía prender acesa. Cando menos, en nós, prendeu un incendio. Hai que amarse moito a unha mesma e ás outras, para facer algo así.


We composed the Elisa y Marcela song, along with the poem, for a walk in which several important Galician women were honored in the history of A Coruña. When we had it finished, we thought it was a very necessary tribute, because hers was a very hard and courageous experience of love. That is why we decided to play it live and include it on the album, because we thought that her gesture, that of facing an unjust society for defending themselves, was a flame that should be kept alight. At least in us, they started a fire. You have to love yourself and others a lot to do something like that.


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